Monday, April 18, 2011

Busy Busy Busy (Day 18)

This is going to be another really quick post; it’s also going to be my last post until Friday. I have a jammed packed week and even taking the time to do this is post is costing me.

Okay time for food and diet update: I had to cancel the fast on Sunday, I ate 800 calories. Sadly all 800 calories came in the form of sugary junk food. In fact that’s pretty much all I ate all weekend- sugary junk food. I’ve decided not to weigh myself for an entire week, I’m very stressed out right now, and the number on the scale affects me way too much, so I’ve decided that I won’t weigh myself until this Sunday.- It is going to be so hard not weighing for an entire week, but I’m sick of being controlled by the scale. I need to learn how to gauge my progress by things other than the number on the scale. I’ve had 2 people comment on my weight loss, and yet I still felt like shit because the scale didn’t give me the number I wanted, that’s just ridiculous. Let’s see if I can make it an entire week without sneaking a peek at my weight.

Quick shout out to my newest follower Struggle2bethin, thanks for following. Also to answer your question about my previous weight loss, done the ‘healthy way’, it took almost 2 years and I dropped over 120 pounds. So a massive weight loss, but it took forever to lose. However, I’ve been doing my own modified version of the ABC diet (add 800 cals. to ana boot camp diet) for about 2 weeks and have already lost almost 10 pounds (I haven’t weighed in a couple days so I could be even less). Well time to do lab homework, and hopefully finish a 7 page paper before my 2pm class. *SIGH* Why does college have to be so damn hard?

Some thinspiration to get you through the week:

Just wrong

Much better


1 comment:

  1. University has been busting my ass these past few weeks two. Luckily I'm done for two whole weeks till I start my one summer class. I can only hope with having one I won't get overwhelmed.

    I wish you luck on the not weighing in. I go crazy every morning that I wake up at my boyfriends house as I don't have a scale and can't know my true weight. It's so addicting. I still weigh everyday but consider sundays weigh in as my offical day to declare a loss or a gain.
